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Pyrography Ornament by Alissa O'Brien

Alissa O'Brien's artistic skill and love of nature is clear in her artwork. Each portrait is created using milled wood that has been rescued from becoming wood chips, creating a natural canvas. Combining the skills learned while obtaining a Natural Science Illustration degree from RISD with pyrography, results in a unique natural memorial ornament. She specifically loves this medium because of the ability to add delicate detail using the wide range of wood burn tones.

"Once, nature made something beautiful, strong, sturdy, and awe aspiring.  Maybe it succumbed to disease, insect infestation, the relentless pressure of the elements, or perhaps it was cut down because of inconvenience for the purpose of progress or development.  I want to return the favor back to trees, and turn the discarded remains of trees into something beautiful as a memorial to their continual greatness."

-Alissa O'Brien

(Portraits offered are 4" diameter on reclaimed wood) 

*Please allow 2-4 weeks for your portrait to be created.

4" Diameter Pyrography on Reclaimed Wood

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